48,058 eight-graders from 511 schools took part in the Hesse mathematics competition 2022/23. The six best in each school type were honoured at an awards ceremony held last Friday by Hesse’s Minister of Education Prof. Dr. Ralph Alexander Lorz and HESSENMETALL Verband der Metall- und Elektrounternehmen e. V. at our headquarters in Buseck.
The winners were:
- Thassilo Danger, Gymnasium Philippinum, Marburg
- Mahmood Zaryab, Eppstein-Schule, Hanau
- Dusan Gavrilovic, Wilhelm, Heinrich-von-Riehl-Schule, Wiesbaden
After the speeches given by Minister of Education Prof. Dr. Ralph Alexander Lorz and Sascha Drechsel of HESSENMETALL district Central Hesse, our Chief Executive Officer, Prof. Dr. Emil Schubert introduced ABICOR BINZEL and its products. "As a manufacturing company, we are in an international competition and can only survive through productivity, digitalisation and, above all, new ideas. The right mix of experienced and new employees, whom we also like to train ourselves, helps with this. Mathematics plays an important role in all fields in which we currently offer vocational trainings."
Immediately after the award ceremony, we were able to demonstrate this. Our young guests were invited to test the work pieces created by out trainees in our vocational training area and gained an overview of their tasks and responsibilities.
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In the meantime, the invited parents and teachers were given a tour of our Innovation and Technology Centre (ITC), where they were able to experience the performance of our products as well as the quality of our work.
If you want to see how welding technology from ABICOR BINZEL makes life better please have a look at our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcpU1DshB8KCtoVCugwO1hg/featured