When simple, frequently recurring welding tasks and precision come together, the manual welder will eventually reach its limits. It is often not worth investing directly in an industrial robot because the quantities are still too small, or the investment is simply too large at this point. Implementing some of the automation in the welding process can build a bridge between manual welding and full automation – and help in three ways:
The 2-axis torch guidance system AutoGuide Plus is such a solution for partial automation because it only places the weld seams where they belong. Does the process need to be monitored? No. Does the welder have to readjust? No. Can the manual welder take care of individual tasks? Yes. Absolutely. Because this is the great advantage of the AutoGuide Plus: the welder is not replaced, but has more freedom to focus on welding tasks that challenge him instead of tiring him. All that while the AutoGuide Plus is welding, and welding, and welding ...
While welding robots with robotic welding torches are the best solution for complex welding work and large quantities, the AutoGuide Plus is the ideal entry-level solution in automation. The integrated seam tracking sensor TH6D takes care of the axis control, positions the welding torch precisely and corrects the welding path in real time if necessary. The AutoGuide Plus masters perfectly even reflecting surfaces where other sensors fail. Frequent expensive reworking or even rejects belong to the past.
Large, long and round components are just as easy for him as large quantities and long horizontal or vertical seams. The AutoGuide Plus can be combined with a turntable, mounted on a welding portal or a welding boom. The setup is simple and intuitive and requires no programming knowledge.
Best of all: the existing system does not have to be replaced. The plug & weld solution AutoGuide Plus is very easy to connect and you can already start with the gap search. Nothing gets in the way of increasing productivity and satisfied welders!