Professionally qualified welders are hard to find, production has to cut down on costs and the quantities to be manufactured are skyrocketing. Small and medium-sized manufacturing companies that previously only employed manual welders are no longer questioning whether they should invest in automation, but rather how they can get started.
Respect for automation
The step into automation is usually a big one. The respect for this topic as well. Questions arise such as: Which robot solution is the best for the individual requirements? Is it possible to weld our components automatically? Does a welding robot also pay off for small series? What options are there to easily integrate a welding robot into ongoing processes? Do we need our own robot programmer? In cooperation with KUKA, ABICOR BINZEL was successful in creating an automation solution that particularly enables medium-sized companies to start welding with a welding robot – with KUKA cell4_arc compact powered by ABICOR BINZEL.
Easy to integrate welding cell solution
KUKA cell4_arc compact powered by ABICOR BINZEL is available as a compact cell in three versions including KUKA welding robots and positioners. The automation solution is equipped with high-quality components from ABICOR BINZEL:
- Robot power source iROB®
- Robot welding torch ABIROB® W 500
- Robot mount CAT3 PRO
- Torch cleaning station TCS Compact
Optionally, the welding cell can be equipped with:
- Gas management system EWR 2/EWR 2 Net
- Seam tracking sensors TH6D/TH6i
- Fume extraction unit xFUME® ADVANCED
- xFUME® ROBO fume extraction kit
To be precise: The KUKA cell4_arc compact powered by ABICOR BINZEL automation solution reduces the increasing pressure on the production of small and medium-sized companies and maintains their competitiveness.
Further information on the standard components and interesting options from ABICOR BINZEL and KUKA can be found in the product documentation, on the website and on the ABICOR BINZEL YouTube channel.