One of the goals of ABICOR BINZEL is to further expand the Shipyard, Offshore & Energy market segment. With the takeover of S/P/A Welding Systems GmbH – a manufacturer of orbital welding products – we have made a big step towards this project target.
In pipe production, both on land and on water, there are very special conditions that require technology tailored to the circumstances. A lot of know-how flows into every single project until pipes can be laid on open seas or connected safely and efficiently on the mainland sometimes under the most adverse conditions. We have now been able to gain this knowledge by taking over S/P/A Welding Systems GmbH.
The company, founded in 1994 and based in Groebenzell near Munich, develops customer-specific solutions in pipeline applications, narrow-gap welding and automated special equipment. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of an own orbital welding tractor, the production of guide rails for orbital welding systems from all manufacturers – the so-called positioning bands – as well as the production of coated contact tips and narrow gap solutions of all kinds.
Special field pipe welding
When welding pipes in the pipe and pipeline industry, special orbital welding tractors are used, which make working easier for the welder and at the same time increase efficiency. The new orbital welding tractors developed by S/P/A, which are now part of the ABICOR BINZEL product portfolio, are significantly lighter, much easier to handle, very robust and have a patented wire spool holder.
Together with the ABIMIG® MT welding torches specially designed by us for orbital welding tractors, the coated narrow-gap contact tips, which prevent short circuits and copper inclusions through their insulation and withstand significantly higher thermal loads, as well as positioning bands of all types and sizes for a wide variety of pipe diameters, we offer now special solutions and complete systems for pipe welding.
Managing Director of S/P/A Welding Systems GmbH, Michael Kett, sees the merger as an opportunity to strengthen the international market profile of his products – in particular in North and South America and Australia. ABICOR BINZEL can expand the product portfolio and further develop the market segment Shipyard, Offshore & Energy systematically. The acquisition of S/P/A Welding Systems GmbH is definitely a win-win for both sides.