Packed with news, innovations and the popular user tips
Clearly divided into the areas of News, Leading Practice, Innovations, Communication and Company, you can quickly find the individually interesting topics in and about welding technology. In this issue, the focus of the News is on the prevention of health problems caused by the dangerous welding fumes that welders and all people in the immediate environment are exposed to. They report on the new welding fume extraction devices of the xFUME VAC series from ABICOR BINZEL with the appropriate welding torches for fume extraction at the source, on the possibilities of fume extraction for robot torches and on fume extraction units with W3 approval especially for welding chrome-nickel alloys. Good to know: ABICOR BINZEL welding fume extraction solutions meet the strict regulations of the German BGHM wood and metal trade association.
In the Leading Practice section, three companies are presented, which partly have been working with ABICOR BINZEL welding torches for years: the Bavarian State Opera in Munich and Komatsu UK Ltd. and EEW OSB from the north of England. While the Bavarian State Opera relies on light air cooled welding torches with rotating torch necks, the manufacturer of construction and mining machines comes from Komatsu UK Ltd. heavy-duty interchangeable robotic welding torches, fume gas extraction torches and high-amperage, liquid-cooled manual welding torches. At EEW OSB, where air cooled ABIMIG® welding torches from ABICOR BINZEL are used to build the transition pieces of offshore wind turbines, which consist of a tubular steel structure, a primary steel component and other so-called secondary steel components, the liquid cooled torches have been almost completely banned from production. Long components are welded here just like those overhead. Welders in this industry rely on around 90 percent of the long service life and performance of the light air cooled ABIMIG® ATL welding torches. It is again very exciting to dive into these practical reports.
ABICOR BINZEL is also at the forefront of Innovations and in this issue of WELDER’S WORLD presents the newly developed iARC narrow process for narrow-gap welding with the robot and the robot power source iROB. Lowering costs and improving results can also be achieved with the solutions presented here for shipbuilding and the production of offshore wind turbines.
You can find out what is happening in the ABICOR BINZEL group in the Communication section, where the new market Segment Manager Shipyard & Offshore and Energy, Anders Bergqvist, is introduced. Not to forget the news about individual subsidiaries, which in France could look back on 40 years in 2019 and Dresden on 80 years of welding technology. ABICOR BINZEL USA also is presented with its exciting new market opportunities.
It is definitely worthwhile to browse through the current edition of WELDER’S WORLD again.