Packed with news, innovations and the popular user tips
It has a long tradition and is just as popular with users in the metalworking industry as it is with welding dealers and ABICOR BINZEL employees worldwide: ABICOR BINZEL's »WELDER’S WORLD« magazine. The 14th edition is now also available online - and this time again offers the popular user tips.
Clearly divided into the areas of News, Leading Practice, Innovations, Communication and Company, you can quickly find the individually interesting topics in and about welding technology. In this issue, the focus of the News is on the prevention of health problems caused by the dangerous welding fumes that welders and all people in the immediate environment are exposed to. They report on the new welding fume extraction devices of the xFUME VAC series from ABICOR BINZEL with the appropriate welding torches for fume extraction at the source, on the possibilities of fume extraction for robot torches and on fume extraction units with W3 approval especially for welding chrome-nickel alloys. Good to know: ABICOR BINZEL welding fume extraction solutions meet the strict regulations of the German BGHM wood and metal trade association.